Why You Should Travel With Us This Year

When people ask me about my story, I immediately share my travel story. As travel and who I am go hand in hand. I was born in the Netherlands, to Dutch and Ivoirian parents and moved to Karachi only ten days (!!) after my birth. I grew up in Asia for over ten years, having traveled and lived in countries such as Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Singapore and Indonesia. The last I would return to in my early twenties, studying and working in a country I consider home. 

If I have one goal in this lifetime, it is definitely to have visited every single country on this planet. This year's bucket list is to travel through Africa after our #honeysinmarrakech retreat. Who's with me? 

The Retreats

Thanks to my wanderlust and the connections I've made around the world, it only was a logical next step to share my travel experiences with others. There's nothing I love more than to connect with new people, explore and grow while traveling. And it makes it that much more fun if you can share the experience with an inspiring group of women. Don't you think? 

The House of Notoire retreat destinations are carefully selected based on either my experience having lived in the country or traveled to multiple times. Handpicked favorite places, incredible views, getting to know the locals, enriching your soul and knowledge, and making lifelong (international) friends. That's what this fun-packed week, led by experts, is all about. 


I've devoted seven years of my life to Indonesia. The country and its islands have captured my heart. Needless to say, Bali is one of the islands you just have to visit. The island is nothing short of amazing. To be honest, it’s impossible to capture Bali's natural beauty in words. Even pictures don’t do this tropical gem justice. Only when you visit Bali you can fully experience its overwhelming, colorful magic. Come and discover Bali with me! 

Apply now for the #honeysinbali retreat →


The day I set foot in Marrakech, I instantly fell in love. The friendly people, the delicious food, the breathtaking gems (riads) hidden in the Medina and the weather; the combination of it all was simply magical and all I knew was, I had to return as soon and as often as possible. The setting served as the #bestbackdrop of our very first HONeys Retreat. The entire experience was unforgettable. As a matter of fact, it was so nice we had to do it twice!

Join us for the second #honeysinmarrakech retreat →

Curious what past attendants had to say about our retreats? Read their testimonials here.
Already convinced that you're going to join us this year? Fun!
Apply for the 2018 HONeys Retreats today
